M A R E  N O S T R U M  -  S P A C E  F O R  D I A L O G U E  A N D  D I V E R S I T Y

T h e   V o i c e  o f   W e s t  A f r i c a 

Collective Memory & Collective Consciousness

                                                      Between Tradition and Modernity                                                     Confrontation with a culture whose survival is threatened by globalization and migration

On this page in construction we are elaborating the topics of the investigations respective to the following first aspect of the field research in Senegal - with the goal of creating the construction blocks for the proposed media package with documentary and illustrated book - the base for more extensive activities as for example exhibitions together with interested institutions, an international conference and a festival about the cultural patronage of the coastal people in Senegal :

The first main point of view of the research focuses on the collaboration with women in the fishing communities to better understand and document how they live demands, often conflictual at their regard, and in what ways they seek to build possible futures for themselves, their children and the whole family. Was also researched the current situation of fishermen and stakeholders of the fish marketing. These researches has been done on the background of the fisheries crisis and the migration.

The topics of the investigations of this page are the following:
I)     Opinion on the current situation of women and men in fisheries 2011
II)    An exemplary documentation of the working reality
       of a fishmonger, a fishvendor and a woman working in fish processing
III)   Boat landing and fish market
IV)  The fishing of the poor: the beach fishing


Opinion on the current situation of women and men in fisheries 2011


Awa SEYE - Présidente cellule féminine CNPS - Guet Ndar, Saint-Louis

Vidéo -  http://youtu.be/eV5eBVS68V4

2)  Ndeye DIENG - Sécrétaire du Collectif National des Pêcheurs :

Vidéo - http://youtu.be/-LQc9SAf0nw

2) Abdoulaye Gueye DIOP, Président de la CNPS Sénégal - KAYAR , Part 1 / Part 2

Vidéo - http://youtu.be/pfmOVQvj0MI

Vidéo - http://youtu.be/Z3mglkvoXrg

3)  Sada FALL, Sécrétaire national du CNPS,  PART 1 / Part 2

Vidéo - http://youtu.be/Id4KlZwQG5A

Vidéo - http://youtu.be/Id4KlZwQG5A

4 ) Djibril SEYE   Sécrétaire national du CNPS

Vidéo - http://youtu.be/wRBBuRJrJZc

A work day of the micro fish monger Astou GUEYE, Yoff

A work day of the fish monger and boat owner Séla FALL, Hann - dia show

The first results have been published immidiately after the researches in 2011:

Perspectives of artisanal fisherfolk in Senegal

Modernisation tends to squeeze out women fish traders
The day of a micro-fish vendor in Senegal
Meeting the President of the artisanal fishermen in Senegal, Kayar
Meeting Ndeye DIENG, President of the CNPS women micro fish vendors
Meeting Abibou Diop, Principal of the CEM Kayar
Malick Gueye: An old fisherman from Saint-Louis with rich experience and an open mind
Saint Louis - the last stage of our research in June - an emblematic place
Awa SEYE: Life of a women, rich in experience